Oral diseases and conditions result in needless pain and suffering, difficulty in speaking, chewing and swallowing, increased costs of care, loss of self-esteem, loss of work and school days and, in extreme cases, they can even lead to death.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 40 percent of low-income adults have at least one untreated decayed tooth, compared to 16 percent of non-poor adults.

The U.S. Surgeon General recognizes oral health as an integral part of a person’s total health. No one can be truly healthy unless he or she is free from the burden of oral diseases and conditions.

Mission: The Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation is committed to improving the oral health and overall well-being of Wisconsin residents while supporting the needs of the dental community.

The foundation makes a difference by bringing volunteer efforts to those who can least afford treatment. Each program focuses on a different group of individuals, but shares a common goal: better dental health for Badger State residents.
The WDA Foundation sincerely thanks you. Your support makes this good work possible.


For more information about the WDA Foundation, please contact:

Vicki Bohman
WDA Foundation Executive Director
6737 W. Washington St., Suite 2360
West Allis, WI 53214
414-755-4198 (direct)
[email protected]CHC Member Seal - low res (3)