Free, on-demand MUSoD web course fulfills opioid CE requirement

With options for in-person CE courses limited during the pandemic, we’ve got good news from the Marquette University School of Dentistry (MUSoD) and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health. The two are offering a free, on-demand web course – “Comprehensive Training for Dentists: Dental Pain Management in the Midst of the Evolving Substance Use Disorder Epidemic” – that fulfills the two CE credits of opioid instruction required for licensure in Wisconsin.

Instructors for the webinar are Dr. Joseph Best (Waukesha), a part-time MUSoD faculty member and board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, and Wisconsin State Dental Director Dr. Russ Dunkel (Madison). The web-based course requires the viewing of multiple videos (totaling two hours), followed by an emailed test. Register now! Continue Reading Free, on-demand MUSoD web course fulfills opioid CE requirement