The Wisconsin Dental Association has worked in conjunction with CLA and their many services that help benefit the practice of dentistry in Wisconsin over the years. WDA staff has referred to CLA for their expertise in dental services when complex questions arise and are very thankful for their assistance.
CLA has routinely offered an annual fee survey that has helped members determine where their fee schedules should baseline depending on numerous factors. The traditional fee survey has now shifted into a more thorough Practice Profitability Analysis that offers a simple, holistic view that is customized for your practice. The analysis is designed to help you make informed, fact-based decisions to reduce costs and increase profitability by understanding your practice’s fees, code utilization, current financial performance compared to future potential financial performances, cost reduction opportunities and salaries and benefits.
CLA has been providing services to dental practices for more than 50 years and the solid collaborative relationship between CLA and the WDA allows this practice profitability analysis to be offered to you free of charge.
This year’s ever-changing landscape has presented many challenges to the dental profession and how business is being conducted. CLAs Practice Profitability Analysis has come at the perfect time to help you understand where your office stands and how to move forward successfully.
For more information on this offer and to request a practice profitability analysis please see: