The Wisconsin Dental Association is a member-driven organization.
That being said, your state dental association needs member dentists to help drive this organization into the future by serving as state officers, regional trustees, committee members and House delegations.
Interested in representing your region (Northwest, Northeast, Greater Milwaukee, Southeast and Southwest) on the WDA Board of Trustees? Submit your CV and headshot to WDA Governance Coordinator Lisa Chandre ([email protected]) by April 1.
Curricula vitae and headshots of individuals wanting to run for WDA president-elect, vice president or speaker of the House should be submitted to the candidate’s regional representative on the WDA Nominating Committee by June 1.
In accordance with election policies and committee responsibilities, the House Nominating Committee will review candidate CVs and monitor campaigning. Visit the Officer and Trustee Elections page under the Members Only section on (login required) for more information and WDA Nominating Committee contact info:
There also are opportunities for member dentists and dental hygienists to serve their WDA on the Communications, Dental Benefit Plans and Membership Development committees and the Editorial Advisory Board. Contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget ([email protected] or 414-755-4100) to learn more.
Your WDA Foundation is also seeking dentist volunteers for its Board of Directors and Dentists Concerned for Dentists and Relief committees. Contact foundation Executive Director Vicki Bohman ([email protected] or 414-755-4198) to learn more.
Apply now for 2018 Leadership Academy
The WDA Leadership Academy was launched in 2015 to help identify future dentist leaders, provide training and collegial support and build a network of members dedicated to the success of organized dentistry across the Badger State.
Member dentists interested in further information or in being considered for the next Leadership Academy to be held Feb. 8 – 9, 2018 in Green Bay should submit letters of interest to Director of Membership and Communications Carol Weber at [email protected] by Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. Note past and current involvement with organized dentistry, prior leadership positions and interest in serving as a future WDA or local dental society leader.
Attendance is limited to 10 dentists and every effort is made to select two participants from each of the five WDA regions. Meals and overnight expenses are paid for by the WDA. Academy participants will also earn two non-clinical continuing education credits. Graduation award will be presented at the WDA House of Delegates in November 2018.