Word of mouth is the strongest form of advertising for many dental offices. One great way to generate some positive buzz is good ol’ fashioned community involvement. It’s easy to overlook something so analog in the age of targeted ads and online reviews. But don’t underestimate the power of physical presence.
Whether you work in a busy city or a small town, taking an active role in your neighborhood is simple. Even the little things count!
Local business group. Cut out some time to meet up with other professionals in your area. You have more in common than you realize. A business owner may refer his/her staff to you, or better yet, make benefits decisions that align with your office.
Parades and festivals. In my town, the big festival is Kettle Moraine Days. My office hands out over a thousand toothbrushes during the Sunday parade. We also distribute free floss…right next to the corn stand, of course. The freebies build goodwill. It’s an easy way to gain visibility with a big crowd, many whom we might not otherwise meet.
Open houses. Sometimes it’s nice to check things out without any pressure. An open house gives locals that opportunity. Some open houses are purely social. Others take the form of an “info night”– an informal talk on a dental topic of interest with no obligation. Presenting an informational program solidifies you as a local expert.
School programs. Our third-grade school visits in February are nice, but other opportunities include a mouthguard referral program with the athletic department, presenting at career days or job fairs or presenting to the Parent Teacher Organization on pediatric dentistry. The school would appreciate having a dentist on call for playground emergencies.
Simply be around. If all else fails, run errands. Everyone needs to eat lunch, get gas and buy groceries. Why not make a point to do it close to work? Have some fun getting to know the local restaurants and coffee shops. Skip the pay-at-the-pump so you can go inside and say hello. I’ve never felt required to live in town, but I do make a point to be around.
While these ideas can be great for business, they all come from a genuine interest in my neighborhood. Like it or not, folks are going to take notice of local professionals. They also notice (and appreciate) when you choose to be invested and involved. The little, endearing gestures will really add up to profound loyalty. Visibility in your community keeps your name and office at front of mind. At my office, we simply want our neighbors to know we’re here if they need us.