Dentists and office managers struggle with retaining good employees. Many practices are fortunate to have longevity with their staff. Other practices do not, and find it increasingly difficult to retain top talent. In speaking with industry experts, there are several things dental practices can do to ensure they retain staff and drive their practice forward. These are simple and easy things to do, but the end result is priceless.
Define your mission statement: Your well-defined mission statement is what makes your practice successful. It reminds your team why your practice exists and determines your destination.
Hire the right fit: Weave your practice mission into the interview process. Employees who are the right fit also tend to be happier and more productive, which leads to greater retention and less turnover.
Create a culture of trust: Practices whose employees trust them tend to have a more engaged and high-efficiency environment. Be open and honest with your employees and tell them why certain decisions were made. If there is bad news, share it.
Training and development: Practices that invest in training and development tend to have more satisfied and productive employees. If an employee has shortcomings, address them and help them make positive changes. If employees are doing a great job, provide additional training to help them amplify their strengths.
Annual reviews and merit increases: Employees like feedback on their performance and are motivated when they understand their role, feel appreciated and understand how they can improve. Consider providing merit increases based on performance and meeting and/or exceeding goals rather than length of service.
Listen: Stop and pay attention when employees speak and consider what they’re communicating. The more you listen, the more they’ll believe in the practice’s mission and support its goals.
Retaining employees should be a top priority. While many tools are available for improving employee retention, these are a few low/no-cost, easy to implement ideas that make an immediate impact. By incorporating these strategies into your practice, you’ll benefit from employees who flourish while driving long-term growth and success for your practice.
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