The La Crosse District Dental Society has found a way to “buddy up.”
Whenever a new member joins, he/she is automatically added to the LCDDS Board of Directors. That way, introductions to long-standing members begins immediately, WDA programs are presented for consideration and various committee assignment opportunities are explained.
Remember, local dental society involvement is the determining factor in dentists joining and renewing memberships in their professional association. Whatever our affiliation, we are all dentists looking to practice successfully.
Another opportunity is Wisconsin Dental Association’s annual Legislative Day. Our ultimate goal is to have one dentist from each state Assembly and Senate legislative district. Attend the morning speeches, sit with Marquette University School of Dentistry students at lunch and join with them in visiting lawmakers’ Capitol offices.
So, buddy up with a colleague, drive together, visit legislators’ together, debrief together on the ride home and let others know about your Legislative Day experience, so they join us in advocating for the dental profession and our patients.
WDA Legislative Day 2018 is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25. Register online
I also encourage you to invite your legislators to your office for a tour or to meet you and colleagues for coffee and conversation. Sponsor a fundraiser as a member of the Tooth Party. Contact WDA Government Services Assistant Dana Ponce ([email protected] or 608-240-3442) for help in inviting lawmakers and involving dentist colleagues in your area who are or want to be politically active. Remember, state legislators are the people who oversee the Dental Practice Act and ultimately determine how oral health care is delivered in Wisconsin.
Another opportunity for involvement is to volunteer as a component delegate or alternate at the annual WDA House of Delegates. This once-a-year commitment occurs in the fall. If you’re not a part of your component’s House delegation, please do let your local leaders and regional WDA trustee know about concerns, questions and positions on issues prior to them heading to the House. Individual members are also welcome to sit in the audience at the House and to participate in the the Reference Committee’s open hearing.
What better way to meet colleagues, other leaders in organized dentistry and hear the diverse range of opinions within the WDA.
So, buddy up and join us!