Provide oral care to more than 1,300 disadvantaged Wisconsin residents and nearly 200 low-income elderly and disabled individuals?
Assist 10 dental and dental hygiene students pay for their education?
Provide financial support to 16 non-profit dental clinics and programs?
Stand ready to help your fellow dentists through a physical or emotional crisis?
You did if you were one of the nearly 1,200 WDA members who made a donation to the WDA Foundation in 2015.
However, lending this support to Wisconsin doesn’t come cheap and in order to continue the charitable programs of the WDA Foundation, we need your help!
Even $60 from each WDA member would put us over our fundraising goal and assure that oral health programs in Wisconsin remain strong for current and future generations.
The WDA Foundation has set a goal of $90,000 for its 2016 fundraising. It may sound like a lot but if half all WDA members–(1,500) – would make the suggested $60 donation every year on their dues statement, the foundation would raise the full $90,000 annually.
The popular belief is that charitable organizations such as the WDA Foundation get the majority of their funding from corporations and grants. The reality is that 80 percent of charitable dollars are contributed by individuals, either through direct donations or through planned giving. The WDA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so every dollar you donate is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Please help solidify dental health for Wisconsin residents and strengthen dentistry for today and for the future by supporting the WDA Foundation. Donate today!