Taking stock 2+ years after south central WDA components merge

*Download WDAJ-Now app Issue 3 to read full story Dane County Dental Society and Green County Dental Society officially merged to become the Greater Dane Den­tal Society on Jan. 1, 2014. The merger took place after more than a year of discussions with leadership and members of both societies. As part of the merger agreement,… Continue Reading Taking stock 2+ years after south central WDA components merge

Congratulations to 2016 Pyramid of Pride Award winners

Dr. Gene Shoemaker, a general dentist practicing in Waukesha, has been selected to receive the Wisconsin Dental Association’s highest honor – the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award. A WDA past-president, Dr. Shoemaker has shown continued commitment to the dental profession, his practice and his community. Other 2016 Pyramid of Pride recipients include: Community Outreach Award Dr.… Continue Reading Congratulations to 2016 Pyramid of Pride Award winners

Medicare Part D creditable coverage notices for group health plans

In preparation for the fall open-enrollment period, employers sponsoring group health plans that include prescription drug coverage are required to notify all Medicare-eligible individuals whether such coverage is creditable. This means the coverage is expected to pay, on average, as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug coverage. Contact your agent or insurance company to find out if your… Continue Reading Medicare Part D creditable coverage notices for group health plans

Bring Mission of Mercy to your region in 2018

Have you ever wondered how and why certain Wisconsin communities are chosen to host a Wisconsin Dental Association and WDA Foundation Mission of Mercy? Since the first Wisconsin MOM in 2009, each event has grown out of interest expressed by a local dental community. The WDA and WDA Foundation choose sites in direct respond to… Continue Reading Bring Mission of Mercy to your region in 2018

ACA Section 1557 translator requirements: Sample notice, taglines available

The new Section 1557 rule requires all covered dental practices to post a notice of nondiscrimination  and taglines in the top 15 spoken languages in Wisconsin. Deadline for compliance is Oct. 16, 2016. The American Dental Association has stepped forward to assist members with understanding this new requirement. Find a dedicated 1557 page at www.ada.org/1557… Continue Reading ACA Section 1557 translator requirements: Sample notice, taglines available

Free ADA Credentialing Service now available

The ADA has created a free, one-stop shop to help eliminate repetitive paperwork when it comes to the credentialing process. Members can enter, store and update professional credentials in one centralized database to make paperwork easier for themselves and staff. After entering your information one time, it will then be available to third-party payers, hospitals… Continue Reading Free ADA Credentialing Service now available

DEB sets mobile dentistry rules

On Oct. 1, 2016, the Dentistry Examining Board’s rules regarding mobile dentistry in Wisconsin will go into effect. Following is some general information regarding the new rules. For complete information, visit http://dsps.wi.gov/Documents/Board%20Services/Rulemaking/DE_10_%20AO.pdf. “Mobile dentistry” is defined as a program delivering dental or dental hygiene care in one of the following ways: Using portable equipment or… Continue Reading DEB sets mobile dentistry rules

Dental licenses renew in 12 months – will you be CE ready?

Wisconsin dental and dental hygiene licenses must be renewed by Sept. 30, 2017. Will you have all your continuing education requirements (30 credits for dentists; 12 for dental hygienists) done or be scrambling last minute for quality and affordable courses? Don’t procrastinate! You can earn 12 CE credits, network with colleagues and confer with industry… Continue Reading Dental licenses renew in 12 months – will you be CE ready?

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Did you know that 50 percent of U.S. households believe they need more life insurance?1 Life insurance is important during every stage of life, whether you’re single, married with or without kids or a mature couple making plans. Everyone has something or someone to protect. Think about life insurance for yourself or offer it to… Continue Reading September is Life Insurance Awareness Month