Disclosure of unanticipated events, such as adverse outcomes or medical errors, can be a stressful and complex process. However, timely disclosure that includes emotional support for patients, caregivers and clinicians is an important aspect of patient centered care.
Further, the process of disclosure, including analysis of unanticipated events as a quality improvement metric and patient safety learning pool, will support a culture of transparency and safety.
As such, health care organizations should consider putting systems in place that will help determine when and how disclosure tools should be implemented.
Does your process include these vital steps? Review the checklist for disclosure of unanticipated events.
This intended to help health care providers and personnel evaluate whether their organizations or practices are prepared to engage in the disclosure process.
Submitted By: Professional Insurance Programs
Source: ©2015 MedPro Group. ® All Rights Reserved
Interesting review checklist. I hope I never have to use it, but it is a great list to keep on file. I go overboard to prevent an unexpected event, but things do happen.
Glad you found it useful Dr. Kraig! We find in times where there is concern or potential issues it is great to have a resource on file that can assist in covering all of your basis. Thank you for your input!