Demonstrate your pride in being a member of organized dentistry and help your practice stand out online from nonmembers’ practices by adding an electronic Wisconsin Dental Association member logo to your practice website and social media channels.
The WDA member e-logo can also be used with print communications.
Find the use agreement and downloadable high-res logo file here (login required):
Note membership is an individual commitment. If you are in a multi-dentist practice and some of your colleagues are not WDA members then please post the logo alongside your individual online profile.
And, invite your colleagues to join organized dentistry so they can be WDA proud too!
Award-winning patient education TV spots from the WDA’s Own Your Smile and Baby Teeth Matter public awareness campaigns are also available for posting on practice websites and social media channels and for playing in dental offices and clinics where members volunteer. Spots with the Sip All Day, Get Decay message become available later this spring.
Simple, step-by-step downloading and use directions can be found on the Public Awareness page under the Members Only section (login required) on
Share important oral health information and promote your membership in your professional association to current and prospective patients with WDA public awareness spots and the e-logo.