Help guide the future and direction of your professional association by nominating yourself or a colleague for an open state or regional leadership position. Nominations are now being accepted for the WDA Officer Corps and Board of Trustees.
The 2019 WDA House of Delegates adopted an updated structure for the WDA Board of Trustees at its meeting this past November. In 2020, the Board will begin transitioning to the new format, which will ultimately include 10 regional trustees (two from each region), one student trustee representing Marquette University School of Dentistry and three at-large trustee positions.
Officer Corps / At Large Trustee
Candidate names can be submitted to the House Nominating Committee chair, your regional House Nominating Committee member (click for roster) or Mark Paget by June 1, 2020.
Members may nominate colleagues or themselves for the positions of WDA president-elect, vice president, speaker of the House and at-large trustee. These seats are elected by the House of Delegates. The president-elect and vice president serve one-year terms, with the president-elect automatically advancing to the presidency. The speaker serves a one-year term and can be re-elected indefinitely. An at-large trustee may serve two three-year terms in any region that does not have currently have four trustees serving.
All candidate CVs will be reviewed by the House Nominating Committee and eligible members submitted to the House of Delegates for consideration and election.
Board of Trustees
Members may nominate colleagues or themselves for positions on the WDA Board of Trustees. Regional trustees serve three-year terms with a maximum of two terms and are elected by their respective regions. The student trustee serves a single, one-year term and is elected by ASDA.
Open regional trustee seats available in 2020 include:
- Region 2 – Northeast (Dr. Childs, incumbent, wishes to be considered.)
- Region 4 – Southeast
- Region 5 – Southwest
Visit or contact WDA Executive Director Mark Paget ([email protected] or 414-755-4100) to learn more.