Whether your company has 5 or 500 employees, it’s important to conduct a regular review of your human resources and benefits-related notices, records and procedures to ensure compliance with the law and prevent potential liabilities and employee lawsuits. The checklist below features key steps for evaluating your management practices to help keep your company HR compliant.
Employee Policies & Procedures
- All company policies and procedures comply with federal and state labor laws related to employee leave, equal employment opportunity, sexual harassment, worker safety and other requirements.
- Every employee is provided with a handbook explaining the company’s policies and procedures related to standards of conduct, nondiscrimination, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment. (Be sure the employee signs a receipt acknowledging that he or she has reviewed the handbook.)
- Labor law posters required to be displayed under federal and state law are posted where employees can easily see them.
- Procedures are in place for maintaining employee records and files as required by law, including what information should be collected, confidentiality and how long to keep records. Medical records and other confidential documents are kept in a separate file from the employee’s personnel file.
- Employees receive necessary skills and regulatory training, including safety and sexual harassment.
- Human resources policies and procedures apply equally to all employees, and are applied fairly and consistently throughout the company.
Please note the above list is not all-inclusive. If an HR assessment reveals violations and they are not subsequently corrected, your company could be at risk for costly fines or lawsuits. If you have any questions regarding your obligations under the law or about best practices when it comes to HR compliance, please consult with a knowledgeable employment law attorney for individualized guidance.
Source: HR 360, Inc.